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Other things we can help with

What else can I do with energyhelpline.com?

This page will help you if you are looking for a new supplier offering better service, other ways to cut your household bills or how to find out more about an energy company before you switch.  You can also discover how to calculate how much energy you use.

•    Can I find a supplier which offers me a better service?

•    Can I go green?

•    What is 'energy efficiency' and how can I be more energy efficient?

•    How can I calculate how much energy I use?

•    How can I save even more money?

Can I find a supplier which offers me a better service?

Because money isn’t everything, energyhelpline.com also allows you to search for companies according to their customer satisfaction rating or green credentials. If you want, you can modify your search to highlight green energy plans or suppliers with a strong record of customer service.

Can I go green with energyhelpline.com?

Yes, by clicking on the ‘Green Tariffs’ button before carrying out a price comparison search, you will receive a selection of plans which use renewable energy sources.

What is 'energy efficiency' and how can I be more energy efficient?

The term ‘energy efficiency’ applies to how well your home retains heat and how effectively it uses the power it draws.  The more energy efficient your home is, the greater the savings you will make both in both financial and environmental terms.

Most energy suppliers will be able to provide you with advice and tips on saving power under their Energy Efficient Commitment and you could also be eligible for a government grant towards making your home more efficient.
Find further information on making your home more energy efficient as well as available grants on the Energy Savings Trust website (www.est.org.uk), or by calling one of their regional offices:-

Warm Front (England) - 0800 316 6011
Warm Deal (Scotland) - 0800 072 0150
The Home Energy Efficiency Service (Wales) - 0800 183 0292

How can I calculate how much energy I use?

In order to identify the best potential energy supplier and tariff for you, we need to know approximately how much energy you use. This information can be taken from your energy bills or alternatively if you select 'I do not know my consumption' we can calculate roughly how much gas and electricty you use, based on the size of your property. To do this we use average consumption figures provided by Ofgem.

Now that I’ve switched, can I save even more money?

With energyhelpline.com we can help you save even more money.

We also compare the cost of insuring your home’s essential systems such as heating and drains, offering you more ways to cut the running costs of your home.

You can also find a cheaper home phone or broadband provider at our sister site firsthelpline.com, and search a whole host of financial products at moneyhelpline.com

Click here to compare energy to return to the Help & Info homepage.

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